
2020/06 #project


本プロジェクトは、BECV という新型コロナウイルスの終息までをともにするオンライン展示にて公開しました。このオンライン展示では、リアルタイムの感染者数データと連動して、コロナの終息とともにサイトが閉鎖されて展示が閉幕となります。


経緯をいうと、家の中の、雑に放置されているアベノマスクをみたときに、日本中ほとんどの家でも同じように放置されているのでは?と考えたら、フフッと笑ってしまったのが発端でした。(笑) 実際に100枚集めてみると、どれも個性的なアベノマスクばかり!!写真を提供してくれる人たちの生活・性格が映し出されてるみたいです。 実際に使われている方も数名いました。比較的地方ではマスクが届いていないところが多く、もうすでに捨ててしまった人や必要としている人に差し上げた人もちらほら。私が直接聞いた中ですが、返却した人は1人もいなかったのも興味深かったですね。 また、どれも違った写真なんですが、最も多いパターンとして、マスク入れ (薬箱のような場所) に置いている人が多かったです。非日常的だった「マスクを常備する」という生活が、すでに日常化してきているな、とも思いました。 今回のプロジェクトを通して改めて、素晴らしい人々が多くいらっしゃることに気づきました。彼らは、「アベノマスクの写真撮って」という変なお願いを快く引き受けてくれたのです。(笑) この場をお借りして、感謝申し上げます。ありがとうございました。

BECVについて (※サイトより引用)

webサイト: https://becv.jp/

展示企画:石橋友也、 新倉健人 、吉田竜二


This project collected 100 photos of the current state of the “Abenomasks” in order to verify their use for the distribution of the “Abenomasks” that began on April 17, 2020. The project started on June 4 of the same year with a request on social networking sites to “take a picture of the “Abenomask” at this moment without touching it even a millimeter,” and the 100 photos collected were posted as a list.

The project was made public through BECV, an online exhibit that follows the novel coronavirus through its end. The site is linked to real-time data on the number of people infected, and when the virus ends, the site closes and the exhibit is closed.

BECV Comments below

The background of this piece is that when I saw my “Abenomask”(a mask sent from the Japanese government/Prime Minister Abe) carelessly tossed aside in my house, the thought that they’re probably also being treated similarly in most houses across Japan crossed my mind. I chuckled at the thought, and that was what inspired the piece (lol). When I actually gathered 100 pictures, they were all each unique Abenomasks!! It’s like the lifestyle and personality of each person who contributed a picture is reflected in each shot. There were even a few people who were actually using the mask. There were a lot of places where the masks had not been delivered in relatively rural areas, and there were also a couple people who had already thrown them away or given them away to people who needed them. Although this is only out of the people I heard from, it was very interesting that there was not a single person who had returned the mask. Also, each picture is different, but the most common pattern was that there were many people who placed the mask in a mask container (a place like a medicine box). It made me think that the lifestyle of “always having a mask” which had been abnormal before, has already become a part of ordinary everyday life. I realized again through this project that there are many wonderful people. They all kindly accepted my weird request to “take a picture of your Abenomask” (lol). I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude. Thank you very much.

About BECV (※Cited from web)

web site: https://becv.jp/
BECV is an online exhibition composing of the results of the artists’ thinking and accomplishment in their respective environment, while all non-essential and non-urgent activities are restricted. The website is linked to the real-time data on the number of infected people, and exhibition will continue until Japan meets the condition to lift the restriction (zero new infection for 28 days*).
*Based on the critical of “no new cases over a duration

Exhibition planning: Tomoya Ishibashi, Kento Niikura, and Ryuji Yoshida